2023 Ballot Information

2023 Ballot Information

The 2023 statewide ballot measures that Colorado voters will decide on this November are listed below. Each measure is linked to the corresponding bill language and includes a list of registered issue committees for each measure. Be sure to check out Count Me In’s Ballot Guide and FAQ below.

Count Me In will link only to issue committees registered with the Colorado Secretary of State. For additional questions please contact Caitlin at schneider@coloradofiscal.org.

Check out Count Me In’s 2023 Ballot Measure Guide and FAQ. This guide provides a short, objective summary and additional information for each measure. Click here for Count Me In’s Ballot Guide and FAQ.

Consulte la guía sobre las medidas de la boleta electorales Y preguntas frecuentes de Count Me In 2023. Esta guía proporciona un breve resumen objetivo e información adicional para cada medida. Haga clic aquí para ver guía sobre las medidas de la boleta electorales Y preguntas frecuentes de Count Me In.

Statewide Ballot Measures

Support: Property Tax Relief Now

Oppose: Tabor Coalition – RejectHH.com

Oppose: NO ON HH

Oppose: Taxpayer For A Better Deal

Oppose: Americans For Prosperity Colorado Issue Committee

Oppose: HH-NO.com

Oppose: No on Douglas County Tax Increase

Support: None register at this time

Oppose: II-NO.com

Previous Ballot Information